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Rehab Accessory Bundle
Includes many of our most popular rehab-focused props and accessories to drastically extend your programming options and meet your clients’ needs. See list of included items below.
Rehab Accessory Bundle
Includes 4 each: 1lb Toning Ball; 2 each: Fitness Circle Lite, Foam Roller Deluxe, 65cm Stability Ball, Flex-Band, Mini Stability Ball, Rotational Disks, Stability Cushion; 1 each: Foam Cushions A,
B & C, Gripper Mat, Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad
Rehab Accessory Bundle
Includes 4 each: 1lb Toning Ball; 2 each: Fitness Circle Lite, Foam Roller Deluxe, 65cm Stability Ball, Flex-Band, Mini Stability Ball, Rotational Disks, Stability Cushion; 1 each: Foam Cushions A,
B & C, Gripper Mat, Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad
More Details
Item | Qty | Description |
Toning Ball™ (1 lb) | 4 | Increase intensity, strengthen arms and shoulders, and challenge stability with these fun and versatile soft handweights |
Fitness Circle® | 2 | Its lightweight construction makes it the ideal prop for Matwork or Reformer programs to create added challenge or increased body awareness. Inner and outer foam grips provide extra comfort |
Flex-Band® (Regular Strength) | 2 | At 78.75 in (200 cm) long, the Flex-Band adds upper or lower body resistance, increased stability or tactile focus to a wide variety of exercises |
Foam Roller™ Deluxe | 2 | Improves stability, flexibility, balance and coordination. Made from durable and resilient EVA foam |
Stability Ball™ (65 cm) | 2 | Made of latex-free, anti-burst polyvinyl with a non-slip, ribbed surface. It challenges torso stability while improving balance. Safety tested under 550 lbs (250 kg) pressure |
Mini Stability Ball™ | 2 | Helps improve posture and develop greater strength and mobility with a major focus on core, back and periphery |
Stability Cushion | 2 | Improve stability, strength and balance through the entire body while performing exercises in standing, sitting, kneeling, supine and prone positions |
Rotational Disks (12 in · pair) | 1 | Improve strength and joint stabilization through rotational movements. These disks, used alone or in pairs, help increase mobility in hip and shoulder joints in various planes and positions |
Gripper Mat | 1 | This versatile non-slip rubber mat increases traction and prevents slipping or sliding on the Reformer, Cadillac, Stability Chair™. Ladder Barrel or even on the Mat |
Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad | 1 | Non-slip, rubber pad that helps achieve correct positioning for a variety of exercises or to add extra cushioning on the mat or equipment |
Foam Cushions A, B and C | 1 ea | Designed for extra comfort and support, these cushions help ensure ideal alignment and awareness when performing a wide variety of exercises on any piece of equipment. Made of high-density, closed-cell polyethylene foam |